Amplified Voices: Development Fund

Applications for 2024 are now closed.

The Development Fund provides funding and training to develop high quality creative content to a level that can attract partners, financing and distribution so that it can move into production. Companies may submit an application to the fund to receive one of a limited number of grants to assist them with their project development activities.

The fund is now closed for 2024 applications and will reopen in 2025. The Amplified Voices Development Fund guidelines are available for review HERE.

A reminder to sign up to the SNS newsletter at the bottom of this page and follow our social media channels to be notified of all SNS program/fund opening dates.

Program Funding

The Development Fund will grant non-repayable funding contributions to a maximum of $20,000 for each eligible project. SNS may fund 100% of the project’s eligible expenditures through the program. If the project’s development budget exceeds $20,000, additional financing such as producer investments, deferrals or services, distribution advance, platform development deal or licence must be confirmed at the time of application.

Program Eligibility 

Applicant Eligibility: To be eligible for the Development Fund, applicants must be a Nova Scotian Production Company that meets the following criteria:

  • The applicant either: completed the Amplified Voices Pre-Development Program in 2024 as a producer or is a Nova Scotian Production Company where the majority of owners self-identify as members of an Underrepresented Community. *
  • Have an attached confirmed Nova Scotian Resident screenwriter who self-identifies as a member of an Underrepresented Community.
  • The producer and screenwriter must be Emerging Talent. **
  • Applicants do not need to be a member of Screen Nova Scotia to apply, but no less than one member of the creative team (producer OR screenwriter) must become a member if approved for funding.
  • Applicants must show a demonstrated interest or experience in working in the screen industries and either the applicant or screenwriter must show a track record of content creation (any screen format, including but not limited to short film, series, and short-form video content for digital social media platforms is acceptable).
  • Agree to participate in training events with industry experts, which will be organised by Screen Nova Scotia.
  • The applicant and its team and shareholders are limited to one application per year.

Project Eligibility: To be eligible for funding, projects must:

  • Be new and original (second or subsequent seasons of a series are not eligible).
  • Be conceived as documentary or scripted feature film, one-off programming, short form digital series, or broadcast TV series.
  • Have a confirmed creative team at the time of application that includes a producer and screenwriter. The producer and screenwriter positions can held by one or more individual(s).

Eligible Activities: The Development Fund is intended to accelerate the development of the project through the creation of early-stage project-related deliverables. Examples of eligible activities include:

  • Detailed pitch deck.
  • Series outline.
  • Episode outlines.
  • Script(s).
  • Production expenses for the production of proof-of-concept content or teaser.
  • Marketing plan.
  • Preliminary audience development plan.
  • Story editor.
  • Paid mentorship support.

Activities that are part of the production phase of the project will not be eligible. Activities must be completed within one year of notification of the decision.

*  Underrepresented Community means a member of one or more of the communities of Black, Indigenous, People of Colour, 2SLGBTQIA+, People with a long-term, intermittent or recurring Disability, or Official Language Minorities.

** Emerging Talent means Nova Scotia resident producers, directors and/or screenwriters who have previously produced, directed and/or written no more than one feature film or four hours of television content which have been produced for intended commercial release.


All selected applicants will participate in a mandatory production financing and management workshop, and a creative development workshop to identify elements needed to advance the project.

Application Information

How to Apply: 

  • Download the Guidelines and the Application Submission Checklist for reference during the application process.
  • Download and complete the Application Form, Budget Template, and Self-identification form – see links below.
  • Send an email to Danya Knowles ( with the completed Application Form and all submission materials (see checklist below).
  • It is the responsibility of the Applicant to ensure that SNS receives all required and relevant documentation. A complete application submission must be received by the fund administrator before the Applicant will be considered for funding
  • The Applicant should contact the Fund Administrator if they need accessibility accommodations in order to submit their Application.

Application Form: CLICK HERE
Budget Template: CLICK HERE
Self-identification Form: CLICK HERE

Application Checklist: To apply for funding from the Development Fund, a complete submission must be received by the Fund Administrator that consists of a completed application form (see above for link to download) and all required accompanying documentation and supplementary information, including:

  • Self-identification forms for members of the Creative Team and Nova Scotia Production Company owners (see above).
  • Filmography/CVs for Producer and Screenwriter.
  • Pitch package.
  • Development phase budget using SNS budget template (see above).
  • Chain of title documentation or option agreements evidencing the rights for the development, production and exploitation of the project, or attestation that the material is original to the applicant.
  • Detailed development proposal, submitted as a single document that includes the following:
    • Description of proposed development activities, and a demonstration of how they will accelerate the development of the project
    • Key creative personnel, and a description of how this team is well-positioned to undertake this project
    • Development phase schedule, including key milestones
  • List of deliverables (this may include but is not limited to demo/teaser creation, script, episode outlines, detailed pitch deck, marketing plan, audience development plan, hiring of paid mentor/consultant)
  • A link to an example of previous work by either the Producer or Screenwriter
  • For companies already incorporated, a copy of the Certificate of Incorporation of the Applicant Company.
  • For companies already incorporated, information regarding the ownership structure of the Applicant Company, including contact information of all shareholders (e.g. corporate register of shareholders)

Applications will be evaluated by a national selection committee overseen by Screen Nova Scotia with final decisions made by representatives from SNS.

Applications will be evaluated with consideration of the following elements:

  • Quality, innovation, and creativity of the project.
  • The team’s access to the capacity, skills, knowledge and expertise required to complete the proposed activities.
  • The team’s commitment to the project.
  • The team’s readiness to take advantage of the opportunities provided by the Development Program.
  • The overall potential for success.
  • The feasibility of the budget and development activities.

Please contact Danya Knowles, Industry Services Coordinator, if you have any questions about this program, the application process, or if you need accessibility accommodations in order to submit your application: / (902) 229-1499