March 22nd, 2018

Screen Nova Scotia adopts Canadian Creative Industries Code of Conduct

Announcement, Industry Updates
Quotation Flourish
Screen Nova Scotia’s board of directors has voted to adopt the new Canadian Creative Industries Code of Conduct, effective immediately.

Screen Nova Scotia’s board of directors has voted to adopt the new Canadian Creative Industries Code of Conduct, effective immediately. Initially launched on March 8, the code represents a commitment by over 25 professional organizations within Canada’s creative industries to prevent and respond to harassment including sexual harassment, discrimination, bullying and violence. The code also highlights the need for gender diversity and equality across all sectors.

“This is a pivotal time in our industry, both nationally and internationally,” said Karen Wentzell, Vice Chair of the Board. “As Nova Scotia’s film industry representative, we know that by adopting the national code we also proactively move the issue forward regionally in a positive way.”

The code follows from work launched in November 2017 at a creative industry round-table collaborating on an industry-wide response to combat sexual harassment and workplace violence. It also reinforces the concepts of zero tolerance, proportional consequences, consent-based interactions and no retaliation. It calls on signatories – now including Screen Nova Scotia –  to encourage good-faith reporting and timely investigations, and is intended to be a “living document” that will be regularly informed by best practice.

The code is not mandatory, but Screen Nova Scotia is hopeful that other film commissions, membership associations and industry organizations will join after reviewing the document internally. Click the link to access the full Code of Conduct: The Canadian Creative Industries Code of Conduct 2018.